Vitamins and Minerals for Growth Small Si

In addition to major nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, vitamins and minerals also play an important role to help the growth and development of Small Si into a healthy child, active and intelligent.
To obtain optimal growth of the Small One can get carbohydrates from rice, potatoes, bread, and noodles. Meanwhile, a protein derived from beef, chicken, fish, eggs, tofu, and tempeh. While fat can be obtained from milk and its products like cheese, butter, and cream.
However, most children are generally less like vegetables and fruit for consumption, but these foods are natural sources of vitamins and minerals which can nourish the body and help the growth process of Small Si.
Then, if Little need extra vitamins and minerals? Actually, if the diet is complete and balanced, Little did not need vitamin and mineral supplements. However, there are some groups of children who need extra supplements to make the growth process more optimal, namely:
  • Kids are hard to eat, do not eat regularly, and voters
  • Children who are ill or convalescing
  • Children who have certain medical disorders, such as digestive problems, allergies, etc.
  • Children who are very active in various activities, such as sports
  • Children who undergo special diets, such as vegetarian diets, an elimination diet of milk and its products, and others

Children who have these conditions above require additional vitamins and minerals other than food eaten daily. Therefore, to optimize the growth and development of Small Si, Mother could provide supplemental intake of vitamin and mineral supplements are derived from or cereal and milk fortified with vitamins and minerals is complete without forgetting the main source of the daily diet.
Type any vitamins and minerals that are important for growth and development of Small Si? Here are the explanations:
vitamin A
In supporting the growth and development of Small Si, vitamin A plays an important role in maintaining healthy eyes, hair, nails, and skin. In addition, vitamin A is also essential for bone growth and protect the body from disease. Vitamin A can be obtained from carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, spinach, red bell pepper, mango and broccoli.
Figures requirement of vitamin A for children aged 1-3 years is 1000 IU or 300 micrograms of retinol. Meanwhile, for children aged 4 years and above is 1333 IU or 400 micrograms of retinol per day.
vitamin B
Vitamin B consists of several kinds, namely B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12. The vitamin can be obtained from soybeans, rice, beans, meat, chicken, milk, eggs, and fish. To help the growth and development of Small Si, B vitamins play a role in metabolism, energy production, and the health of the nervous system.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps the formation of red blood cells, bones, and tissues. Vitamin C also maintain healthy gums and strength of blood vessels. In addition, vitamin C also helps boost the immune system so that Little did not get sick and growth process of children to be optimal.
Vitamin C can be obtained from oranges, strawberries, guava, papaya, mango, kiwi, tomatoes, and broccoli. Children aged 1-3 years need 15 mg of vitamin C per day, while children aged 4-8 years old need 25 mg of vitamin C.
vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for bone growth and teeth, and helps the absorption of calcium.
Sources of vitamin D are milk and derivative products, such as cheese, yogurt, and butter. Vitamin D can also be obtained from eggs, salmon, tuna, and fish oil. In addition, sunlight can also help the formation of vitamin D.
For optimal growth and development process, children aged less than 12 months of age need 400 IU or 10 micrograms of vitamin D, while children over 1 year of age need 600 IU or 15 micrograms per day.
vitamin E
In helping the growth process Little, vitamin E can limit the production of free radicals that can damage cells. These nutrients are also important for the body's immunity and repair damaged DNA.Vitamin E can be obtained from nuts, kiwi, broccoli, sunflower seed oil, canola oil, soybean oil, and spinach.
Figures requirement of vitamin E is 6 mg or 9 IU per day for children aged 1-3 years, while children aged 4-8 years need 7 mg or 10.5 IU.
Calcium has an active role in supporting the growth and development of Small Si. This mineral plays an important role in the growth of bones and teeth, maintaining healthy nerves and muscles, helps blood clotting process, as well as helping the body convert food into energy.
Children aged 1-3 years need 700 mg of calcium per day, and for children aged 4-8 years need 1000 mg of calcium per day. Sources of calcium is approximately equal to vitamin D, namely milk and derivative products such as cheese, yogurt and butter, tofu, and spinach.
Magnesium also plays a role in the growth process Little, primarily to maintain bone strength, keeping the heart rate remains stable, maintaining the immune system, as well as maintain muscle and nerve function.
Food sources of magnesium include nuts, soy milk, spinach, oatmeal, milk, brown rice, bananas, and avocados. Children aged 1-3 years need 80 mg of magnesium each day, while children aged 4-8 years need 130 mg of magnesium daily.
Whey protein
Whey protein is a milky liquid left behind during the deposition process in cheese making. This meal replacement supplement widely used by athletes, lactose allergy sufferers, people with HIV, gastrointestinal cancer, or infants. As a source of protein that is easily absorbed by the body, whey protein was also shown to increase the body's defense system.
Extraction of whey protein derived from milk, which can then be used as an ingredient in infant formula, ice cream and other food products.
Children aged 0-6 months require 10 grams of protein per day, children aged 7-11 months need 16 grams, children aged 1-3 years need 25 grams, and 4-6 year olds need 39 grams of protein per day.